
Sunday, October 14, 2012

DESN3020 Cinematics Course Overview

This semester's overview at a glance:


As this is a production course, and not specifically an asset-creation course, it is important to be organized and scheduled. 

For those who work on a team, this is critical.  It is not acceptable to hand in assignments late or with missing pieces. It is the responsibility of the entire team to ensure that team members are being fully utilized.

For those working on a solo effort, production planning is critical to establish path, track progress and alert the student to possible disasters (running out of time, assets unfinished, technology issues). 

The 5 assignments to b handed in this semester are: 

  1. script/production package
  2. storyboard in 3 stages: drawn, avi and avi with sound. 
  3. rough models
  4. audio
  5. animatic
The total % of grade for these materials/assignments is 90%.

Production 10%

10% of semester 1's grade will be based on TEAM WORK
Each group starts off with 100% or 10/10 in the Production Category for all 5 assignments that are due this semester. 
For every production error or issue per assignment due, up to 2 marks (or 2% of final grade) will be deducted from the entire group. 
Each of the 5 assignments due can cost you or keep you 2% of your final grade. 

  • Group Bazinga has 3 modellers and 2 animators.  The modellers wanted to do everything and only assigned (or ensured that) one of the animators had anything to do. One of the team members had nothing at all to do, and in fact, was discouraged from presenting anything (production grade docked 1 point). 
  • To make it worse, one of the modellers forgot to hand in their assignment with the Package, and handed it in the next day (production grade docked 1 point). 
  • Entire team looses 2 marks, or gets 0 in the production category. 
  • Animator that handed in nothing gets 0/5
  • Modeller who handed assignment in late gets docked one full grade (as per George Brown's grading policy).

Utilize Everyone In Your Group

During production, it is common for some people to be busier than others at different times. Please be sure to utilize your team mates to the best of their abilities.  

With the groups made up of VERY different combinations of modellers/animators, it is hard to create a grading rubric. 

For those with a solo effort, the grading will go like this: 

Group Members: 1
  • Script & Production Package:  10%
  • Storyboard (2D, avi, and with scratch audio):  10%
  • Rough Models:  25 - 35%
  • Audio: 10%
  • Animatic: 25 - 35%
  • Production: 10%
The Grading Method for more complex groups will have to be determined on an individual basis, adhering as closely as possible to the above standard. 
  • If some of the group members have only one large task to do, we can break this task down into smaller milestones so as to keep on track and eliminate possible disaster on the final due date. 
  • Group Bazinga has 5 people: 3 modellers and 2 animators. Thus far, the modellers have done all of the Production Package & Script work, and will do all of the modelling. They plan to use 3DS Max's rigged character for the 3D animatic, as they are rigging next semester. Thus far, the animators have nothing to do this semester. 
  • Group Bazinga MUST have the animators create the storyboard and film/edit it with sound. The animators MUST create the camera animation for the 3D animatic and they MUST do the 3D layout or shot assemblage to create the animatic. 

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