
Monday, September 9, 2013

DESN3020 Cinematics 1 Fall 2013

Cinematics 1: Class 01


  • Me: Cathy! Game Developer / Animator
    You: ?  

What is a Cinematic? 

  • Course Overview  
  • Q&A
Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: Underworld

Cathy Feraday MillerGame 

Who Are You?  

  • What are your career goals? 
  • What is your area of focus? 
  • What is “your passion”? 

Assignments: Due next week

  • Bring in your demo reel for next class 
  • Be prepared to present it in front of your peers 
  • List your goals for this class
Great Guide to Film Making

Course Overview

2 Part Course:  

Semster 1: 

  • learn how to tell a story 

Semester 2: 

  • tell your story, build your cine

General Grading Structure

Assignments: 80%
  • Script 
  • Story board exercises (in-class & homework) 
  • 2D Story Animatic exercises (in-class & homework) 
  • 3D Animatic exercises (in-class & homework)
  • Final “Trailer” (editing exercise) 
Portfolio presentation:  5%
In-class tests:  10%
Class participation and daily attendance: 5%

Story Mountain

Weeks 1 – 5: Into To Story

  • Story structure 
    • What makes a good story? 
  • Create short script 
  • Storyboards & Composition:  
    • Camera theory  
    • Continuity 
  • Creation of your individual Cinematics blog, through which you will hand in your assignments 

Making A Cinematic

  • Story:  every project starts with an idea 
  • Style:  how do you want to present your concept? 
  • Skills:  you have to know how to use the tools in order to convey your ideas 
courtesy of


  • All visual artists must understand composition 
  • Tell stories visually 
  • You don’t have to be a great “draw-er” to communicate ideas 

Production Pipeline

  • Everything starts with a concept (idea!) 
  • Order in which assets are made 
  • Organization is Important! 
  • Games VS Film (not very dissimilar)

Weeks 6 – 10:  Animating The Camera

Animating the camera in Maya
  • Intro to Camera Animation in Maya  
  • Setting up shots with primitives 
  • Creating legible story structure ‘training exercises’  


12 Principles of Animation

  1. Squash and stretch 
  2. Anticipation 
  3. Staging 
  4. Straight ahead vs pose to pose 
  5. Follow thru and overlap 
  6. Slow in, slow out 
  7. Arcs 
  8. Secondary action 
  9. Timing 
  10. Exaggeration 
  11. Solid drawing (or posing) 
  12. Appeal

Weeks 11-15:  Create Trailer

  • Create trailer using found game footage 
  • Introduction to editing software (After Effects, Premiere) 
  • Concept and Approach to Creating A Trailer 
  • Finding Footage (or capture your own) 
  • Creating limited assets for the trailer (fx, titles, etc) 
  • Final output and posting to the web

Cinematic as Trailer or Marketing Material

Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime, Asteroid Base studios

Lets Watch Some Great Cinematic Trailers!

Also see:
Games: “class based multiplayer”
Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, 2007 

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