
Sunday, October 28, 2012

DESN3020 Cinematics Class 08/Week 09

Putting It All Together: The Animatic


Make a schedule for entire team that:
  • covers in complete detail up to end of this term (December)
  • covers in increasing detail up to end of project (April)
Use this type of chart to create more detailed assignments for each group member.

What the rest of this semester should look like: 

These four final milestones are worth up to 85% of the final grade for some people, so staying on track really counts. 

The final 3D animatic (this semester) will be: 
  • untextured low-poly or proxy models
  • basic lighting (if any)
  • most likely scratch audio
  • fairly sophisticated camera animation
  • characters will be in, at most, a few poses per scene 

3D animatic is about blocking and timing, not detail or finesse.

Next semester is the time to spend time on lavish, gorgeous detail, in the modelling, fx, lighting and animation aspects of this assignment.

A note on character creation: 

May not co-inside with Character Modelling class

Concept of Character

Proxy and final meshes share this proportion exactly.

Proxy Character mesh

Proxy Character - all proportions correct.

Character creation can be an iterative process if these rules are followed:
  • final mesh is exactly the same size as base mesh
  • all meshes must fit exactly onto same rig
    • reference character mesh
    • create rig
    • update reference when new versions of mesh are created
  • non-destructed work flow

If no rig is available and a found rig is used, it is unlikely that any animation or poses can be seamlessly be re-used unless  new rig is created with exact same hierarchy and joint/controller names as 'proxy' rig. 

Proxy mesh posed (with rig).


Animation side: 
  • storyboard animatic revisions
  • scratch audio or raw wav files
  • evidence that the 3D layout is or can be started
Modelling side: 
  • scratch audio or raw wav files
  • first pass meshes: 
    • all key elements in cinematic created as proxy or low poly
      • characters
      • environments
      • props
  • evidence of hand-off to animators 
Rough Models
  • Low-Poly Character models should match up with a model sheet
  • Front and Side views of T-pose with reference art as image plane to show proportions match.
  • For this milestone, submit JPG screen caps of models in various views or avi of rotation.
  • Sufficient breaks in geometry to allow rig to be parented and animated properly
  • All major prop models created (low-poly)
  • 1-2 ortho views to show match with concept art
  • various perspective views to show overall layout  




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