
Monday, September 24, 2012

DESN3020 Cinematics CLASS 03

This week was the last week for organizing groups.  We all must now have our concepts locked in place, script under way and storyboards moving forward.  All team members should have assigned tasks and know what their roll on the cinematic team is. 

In class, we looked at some production scheduling and tracking documentation. When working on a group project with many inter-dependencies, organization is key! 
  • Consider making a production blog to keep track of tasks, assets and deliverables.
  • Decide on a file naming convention and stick to it. 
  • Make sure you are using a file sharing system like DropBox, and be careful not to remove each others files or save over master files.  
  • Gantt charts are a great way to track dependencies.  There are some free resources available inclucing:  
  •  Communication is key to success!

 Stay tuned next session for a Story Concept Workshop and Script tips. 

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