
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Milestone 2 Deadline: April 2 10pm

Second Milestone: Cinematics II

Final Playblast Due: everything except the polish

Individual student submissions must be uploaded to the dropbox folder CinematicsII_Milestone2 (invitation pending), or IN PERSON. 
Create a folder and title it:  CineTitle_YourName_Milestone02
  • eg: GhostHunterIntro_CathyFMiller_Milestone02
What I expect to see from each student:
  • Folder named correctly containing:
    • Playblast/.avi/.mov of latest cinematic render or link to cinematic in a document (double check your links! If they do not work, the work will not be considered as submitted). 
      • note: I am expecting to get the SAME version of the cinematic from each group member.  This is to ensure that everyone in the group has access to the same files, and knows and understands which is the latest version. 
    • Statement Of Work (see below)
  • Optional: 
    • images or avis of individual contribution (especially if assets were not used in final cinematic, or if student wishes to showcase their work more prominently)

Milestone Criteria:

  • Students that were heavily involved in the production (or organizational) side of the cinematic creation must present evidence of their efforts. Wherever possible, support this with schedules, images, diagrams, charts and links to project websites. 
  • All final environment and prop models complete and placed in the environment:  100%
  • Final environment and prop textures: 75%
  • All characters: 100%
  • All character textures: 75% 
Animation - Camera
  • Camera movement: 90%
    • Tweaks and editing for finesse may be added 
  • Characters: 100%
  • Moving props:  80%
Animation - Character
  • All blocking: 100%
  • Character Animation: 80% 
Animation - environment and fx
  • All environment and fx animation: 50%
  • Environment and fx tests: 100%
Render Tests:
  • If Cinematic is to be rendered in Maya, render tests for final look must be included.
  • Lighting for each location (if there is more than one):  50%
  • will not be graded as GBC does not have access to a sound lab, but makes a much better cinematic!
Written Statement of Work
  • Each student must include a detailed list of all assets that he/she created, with an estimate of how much time was spent on each task, as well as an evaluation of their personal contribution to the cinematic project. For example, if a student was responsible for rigging complex characters, but also spent 50% of their time with production-related tasks and scheduling, this is where you would show this. Wherever possible, support this with images, diagrams, charts and links to project websites.