
Saturday, December 8, 2012

DESN3020 Cinematics End Of Term

Hey Class, its the END OF TERM!!!!

As a reminder to those of you in the Cinematic class, as of DECEMBER 11, 2012, all work is DUE. 

 All work must be handed in IN CLASS or emailed to me via:
When  sending a link to your work, you MUST include the link to the file location (not the top tree of the dropbox), and the file name. I'm NOT going to dig for your work.  If the file indicated is not on the page linked to, I will see this as a missed submission. 

Due last class:  final 3D animatic and summary of all the beautiful work you've done thus far. Package it up nicely. A happy Cathy is a kind Cathy. Images and avi only, no obj files, no psd files, etc.  Links to Vimeo or Youtube work beautifully. 

As discussed in class, the grades have been broken down in the following way:

A number of students in this class have not submitted work for some of the milestones. Without an actual submission, the mark for that milestone will be graded incomplete (fail). 

I've seen most of  your work in class, and many of you who are missing milestones have actually done the work... so hand it in!

This semester has been more about getting the work done than industry quality.  Next semester will be about getting it to look GOOD.  Working fast first and adding iterative polish is a critical component to a production environment. 

A reminder: no textures, no lighting, no animation this semester (other than camera animation). All the details and finesse that will make your work great and make you stand out will be refined in semester 2, where you will be graded to Industry competency. 

Good luck, hand in  your work, and have a well-deserved Holiday Break! 
